

MAchine Translation for Open Science

A collaborative post-edition experiment

In the context of MaTOS, we are organising an experiment aiming to collect posteditions of automatic translations produced in realistic conditions by specialists of the NLP domain (Natural Language Processing, to be undestood in a wide sense, including the automatic processing of text, speech and sign languages, information retrieval, etc.). The data will be collected via the application available at https://postedition.anr-matos.fr.

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Publishing in French, for who, for what purpose?

Within the NLP community, publishing in French remains a necessity for French speakers. But why? Does it still make sense when the only publications that have a real impact are those written in English? Should we reconsider this obligation? Revise it? Or on the contrary strengthen it? To disuss these questions, we are organising a round table on Wednesday 7th June (early afternoon) during the TALN conference (Amphithéâtre Farabeuf, Site des Cordeliers de la Sorbonne).

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Recruitment of two PhD students

Two PhD offers are currently open to work on the MATOS project. Both will be co-supervised by R. Bawden (Inria Paris) and F. Yvon (ISIR, CNRS):

Deadline for applications: 22nd May 2023 . These positions are now closed.